Sunday, December 18, 2011

McLaurin update #15: rejoice always, pray without ceasing…

Dear Loved Ones:

We realize it has been a long time since we sent an update.  However,
we can tell we are still being upheld by your prayers.  We certainly
had much to be thankful for during this Thanksgiving holiday.  We were
reminded so clearly by this passage of scripture that we studied
beforehand with a group of brothers and sisters from church:

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
(1 Thess 5:16-18)

We have so much to thank our heavenly Father for, despite what our
circumstances may look like.  Emily’s work pressures have been more
difficult and time-consuming than ever as she is learning to use a
new electronic health record while trying to continue to provide
excellent care for her patients and for our family.  Colby has also in
the last few weeks frequently battled disappointment and uncertainty
about his own job.  But we know prayer is different from “hoping for”
something or “positive thinking.”  It is different, because the object
of prayer is God, not me, and:

“The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the
earth.  He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is
unsearchable.  He gives power to the faint and to him who has no might
he increases strength.  Even youths shall faint and be weary, and
young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall
renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they
shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah

Yes, this is God who does not grow weary as we do.  His understanding
is not limited as ours is.  And those who wait for Him and depend on
Him, He rewards with renewal of strength.  Keep praying!  Yes, this is
God who sent his only Son to be born a human baby on that first
Christmas, live perfectly, and die innocently to take our just
punishment so that we could be forgiven and restored to fellowship
with Him.

We were also reminded of each of you who, on our behalf, “pray without
ceasing" (1 Thess 5:17).  Thank you.  May our hope continue to rest
in Christ alone, who is the Great Physician.

We continue to be amazed at how the Lord has sustained Colby
physically and our whole family in spirit.  Colby finished chemo and
radiation almost 4 weeks ago and has been on a long break since that
time.  Praise the Lord that he made it through the entire course with
very minimal side effects and no true complications.  Colby continued to
work throughout treatment and is enjoying caring for his patients more
than ever.  He did get a little fatigued in the last week of the 7 week course, 
but he feels like his energy level almost completely returned to
normal within the first week after completing treatment.  He did not
need any steroids, pain medicine, or change to any of his medicines
during the whole course.  He has had none of the symptoms which would
be concerning for tumor progression: such as seizures, headache,
vision changes, dizziness, etc.  God has been so good to us.

We have nothing to fear…because we have a good and sovereign God.
Remember that, and let’s keep praying!  Here’s how:

1)      Colby’s first post-treatment MRI is tomorrow morning.  Yes, that’s
kind of a big deal.  It feels a little silly to pray for an MRI, but we
think we can pray even more expectantly now that we will soon see the
outcome of our prayers for healing!  We are praying that the 16% of
tumor that remained would be gone!  Certainly that is not what would
be expected from the treatment, but God can do it, and it would
clearly be a miracle if he did!  Are you ready to praise Him?

2)      Colby will start the next stage of treatment on Monday.  This means
monthly cycles of chemotherapy for at least a year.  It will be the
same chemo, in pill form, but will be at twice the dose as he took
during his radiation treatments.  Please pray that he would have no
side effects, no nausea, no drop in the infection-fighting white blood
cell counts, and no infections.

3)      Praise the Lord for SiSi Liu, our new Au Pair.  She is from China,
is living with us, and is helping us care for Jireh during the day
while we are working.  That keeps Jireh out of day care during the
cold and flu season and keeps her from bringing illness home to Colby
while he is on chemo.  SiSi is helping Jireh learn Chinese.  She is also
very interested in learning about Christianity, which she has had no
exposure to in China.  We spend time together as a family studying the
Bible, and she will attend a Bridges International conference in
Washington D.C. after Christmas to learn more about Christ.  Pray that
this will bear fruit for her Joy!

4)      Praise the Lord for many opportunities to share our story and
glorify God in the midst of this trial!  Colby has had several
opportunities to share his testimony and scripture that has upheld us
with different groups and individuals recently.  We are praying for
more opportunities.  Please pray with us that Christ would get the
glory through our lives and that we would embrace the words of John
the Baptist, who said:  “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Come thou long expected Jesus!

For His glory,
Colby, Emily, and Jireh McLaurin

Monday, November 7, 2011

McLaurin Update #14: That the power of Christ may rest upon us

Dear Friends and Family,                                                                               11.7.11

This update will be short, as the Lord has filled our days with many joys and many struggles.  Both are gifts from God.  We hope to be able to share more details with you at another time.  In the mean time, Colby has started his last week of radiation and Emily’s demands at work have increased considerably.  We are asking for your prayers again, knowing that your prayers have been an incredible source of blessing and protection for us.  This week promises to be a challenging one, but we know that the Bible says, “`My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.  For when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 2:9-10).”  How glorious it is that when we are weak, the power of Christ simply rests upon us to provide strength rather than to crush us!

1.     Our neighbors have continued to provide meals for us.  We are overwhelmed by their generosity and commitment to shoulder our burdens with us!  Their generosity has opened up more consistent quality time together for us as a family.

2.     Colby has made it through 6 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation with minimal side effects so far!  He has been able to do cardiovascular exercise on most days and still goes to work every day.  We are amazed at how well he has done.  And while Jireh and Emily had colds recently, Colby has been able to avoid getting sick so far.   

1.     Healing:  We believe that God can completely heal Colby if He so chooses.  This last week of radiation is the last bit of radiation that he can have during his lifetime.  We are praying for effective treatments.  Please pray, also, that Colby continues to remain healthy despite being on chemotherapy. 
2.     Endurance:  Colby noticed that he is much more fatigued after his radiation treatment today than he has been over the last many weeks.  He feels the impact both mentally and physically.  Please pray that he will tolerate this final week of radiation therapy and that his mind will continue to remain clear.  Please pray also for minimal long-term side effects.
3.     Patience and grace:  With the rising fatigue anticipated this week, there will be temptation to become more selfish and impatient with one another and potentially also with Jireh.  We pray that we will be able to truly support one another this week and desire to be quick to forgive one another when we are not patient or kind.
4.     Wisdom:  With the implementation of the electronic health record taking place at work, Emily needs to learn efficiency with this new system without sacrificing quality of care and ministry to her patients. 
All glory to Christ,
Colby, Emily, and Jireh      

Sunday, October 16, 2011

McLaurin update #13: you will find rest for your souls

Dear Friends and Family,                                                                                                  October 16, 2011

            We hope that this letter finds you all doing well and enjoying the autumn weather wherever you may be.  We are delighted to share that Colby is almost halfway through with his combined radiation and chemotherapy treatments.  He has only just today noticed some hair falling out, but he isn't too concerned.  He continues to do so well, and we know that this is purely by God’s kind mercy working through your prayer.  Colby is able to eat, rest, exercise, and work. Most importantly, his mind is still sharp and allows him to meditate on and enjoy Scripture daily.  

            After visiting the “Passages” exhibit at the Oklahoma Museum of Art, which displays the story of how the Bible was written, compiled, preserved, translated, and protected through all of time, we have an even deeper appreciation for the Bible.  God’s Word is a remarkable gift.  Its truths have sustained men and pointed them to God for centuries, and we are thankful that God has not allowed His Word to be lost over time.  That we have the freedom to read our Bibles daily, to know God intimately, and to be confident in Him regardless of our circumstances is a tremendous blessing.  He has opened the eyes of our hearts, “that [we] may know what is the hope to which he has called [us], what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places… (Ephesians 1:18-20).”  Wow! 

            Emily has experienced a new freedom this week, which has also been a gift from the Lord.  Prior to this week, the burden of care for our family has felt overwhelmingly heavy despite the facts that God has answered prayers, that Colby has been doing well, and that all of our needs have been met.  Plenty of bitterness was creeping into her heart. Then she was reminded by scripture one morning as if the passage said, “Emily, Emily, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.  Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her (Luke 10:41-42).” That “good portion” is Jesus himself.  Later while praying for a patient, Scripture again came to her mind: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).”  The work to be done day-to-day has not changed and in many ways has increased, but the load no longer feels unbearable.  Once again, Emily hopes that she will be able to laugh at the days to come (Proverbs 31:25). 

            Thank you for walking this journey alongside us and for bringing our prayer requests before the Lord.  We pray that you will also be blessed as you bless us.


1. Pray for endurance and effective treatments.  Colby has 4 weeks of combined radiation and chemotherapy remaining, followed by several months of continuing chemotherapy to endure.  We are praying for healing, and trusting in the Lord.  More importantly, we are praying that God be glorified regardless of the outcome.
 2.    “We’ve a story to tell to the nations.”  Continue to pray that we would have opportunities to be faithful witnesses to the grace of God in our lives.  Colby is still looking for opportunities to share his testimony in any format, event, or country.  We know that God has great plans for us in this world, and we are excited to see how He will use us!   
 3. Pray for Jireh and for our role as her parents.  For a two year old whose routine was heavily disrupted in June, she has done wonderfully.  However, we have been unsuccessful in returning consistently back to her routines, which can be quite stressful.

This email list is intended to include people who have directly or indirectly asked to be on it because they would like to pray for us.  As always, if you are receiving this email but not interested in praying, or would rather not be on this list for any reason, please let us know.  We will not be offended at all and agree that it would be appropriate to remove your email address from it.  Also, if there is anyone who you think would like to pray for us who may not be receiving these updates, please send us an email address and we will gladly add more prayer warriors.

Resting in Christ,

Emily, Colby, and Jireh

Monday, October 3, 2011

McLaurin Update # 12: Drawing near to the throne of grace

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                   October 3, 2011

            We are delighted to share with you that Colby’s first week of chemotherapy and radiation went well!  Thank you so much for your prayers and continued encouragement.  Daily, the Lord is teaching us how to rely more on Him alone rather than in our own strengths, gifts, and plans. 
            Colby’s first day of treatment last Monday seemed to start off without any problems.  Lying on the radiation table was easy, pain free, and quick.  His Temodar (chemotherapy) stayed down without any problems.  When he got home he thought, “This is a piece of cake!  I’m young and healthy and this is going to be easy.”  But 3-4 hours after treatment, waves of vomiting started, each without much warning.  With some extra doses of medicine for nausea and time resting on the couch, Colby realized that he had been relying on his youth and health to get him through the next several weeks instead of relying on Christ.  Whether you call it physical rebuke, or loving discipline, Colby certainly learned and grew because of it!  With both an adjustment in attitude and in medication, we are pleased to report that the rest of Colby’s first treatment week was great and nausea free—all by God’s grace working through your prayer. This story is only one of many this week that has drawn us humbly to our knees before our God. 
            God has carried us this far, so why would He ask us to walk through this phase of treatment on our own?  Do we not believe God when He says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)?”  And why would we even try to lean on our meager strength when we can lean on our eternally faithful and all-powerful God who can move mountains?  He has already moved the biggest mountain—our sin (which seems to be all the more apparent in our daily lives these days) that separated us from knowing and enjoying God—by sending Jesus to die in our place.  And by no merit of our own, because of Christ’s death and resurrection for those who trust in Him, we have the privilege of knowing and enjoying God forever.  Wow!  So our hearts have been humbled this week and our prayer is this: “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).”

Prayer Requests:

1.     1. Praise God for a great first week of treatment and for invaluable lessons learned from Scripture this week.

2.     2. Praise God for our church family, who continues to speak truth into our lives when we are at our weakest.

3.     3. Praise God for our neighbors, bosses, and co-workers.  Their acts of kindness have opened up time for us to enjoy time together as a family despite the busyness of our work and home routines.

4.     4. Pray for endurance and effective treatments.  Colby has 5 1/2 more weeks of combined radiation and chemotherapy, followed by several months of continuing chemotherapy to endure.  We are praying for healing, and trusting in the Lord.  More importantly, we are praying that God be glorified regardless of the outcome.

5.     5. “We’ve a story to tell to the nations.”  Continue to pray that we would have opportunities to be faithful witnesses to the grace of God in our lives.  Colby is still looking for opportunities to share his testimony in any format, event, or country.  We know that God has great plans for us in this world, and we are excited to see how He will use us! 

Thankful for your faithful prayers,

Emily, Colby, and Jireh

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

McLaurin Update #11…to live is Christ, and to die is gain

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                                       September 21, 2011

            Hello from Oklahoma City!  It is good to be back at home.  We feel long overdue in reporting back to you.  We returned home on the afternoon of September 11, enjoyed a fantastic evening of praise and worship with our church family that evening, and then we dove right back into life at home.  Jireh woke up Monday morning (9/12/11) pining for more sleep and more time in her crib (jetlag) but also loved seeing her friends back at daycare and church.  Colby had a full week with doctors appointments while balancing time to rest, read, and exercise.  Emily started back into an intense week of work starting with being on call on her first day back.  Our neighbors have been an incredible blessing during this time of transition.  They have helped provide dinner every day since we’ve come home and spruced up our backyard and deck to become a wonderful place to relax and play.

            At this point, Colby feels like the recovery phase from his surgery is just about over.  He feels and looks great.  Because of this, and because he has more time now than he has had in the last 9 years, he is able to go to the local YMCA almost every day to get in a moderate cardiovascular workout.

            After many visits with Colby’s physicians here, it looks like we will be ready to start the next phase in treatment on Monday.  This will involve radiation therapy 5 days a week for 6 weeks and chemotherapy every day for those 6 weeks.  That will be followed by 6 “cycles” of chemotherapy for at least 6 months following radiation. Fortunately, the chemotherapy is in pill form and the radiation will be delivered just across the street from where Colby works.  Though we will not know how he will tolerate the treatments until they begin, he expects to start back to work next week or the week after, with minimal inconvenience from treatment.

            By now many of you may have Googled Colby’s diagnosis.  To be honest, the statistics for survival over time are not good.  We are blessed to be followed by an oncologist and dear friend here in Oklahoma City who reminded us “statistics don’t apply to God.”  That is so true, isn’t it?

            What is more encouraging is that we know the Lord has a good plan for our lives, no matter how long or short the time that remains.  He knows when will be the end of Colby’s life, and only He has the authority to call Colby home to heaven (Psalms 139:13-16).  Cancer does not have the authority to take Colby’s life without God’s permission, just as Satan could not take Job’s life without God’s permission.  If God chooses to keep Colby here, it is for good; and if He take’s Colby home, it is for good.  The apostle Paul agrees:
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.  I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.”            (Philippians 1:21-23 ESV)
           Thank you for laboring in prayer on behalf of our family.  It is a privilege and blessing to be upheld by your prayers, knowing that God is refining and growing us all.  We can’t thank you enough.  This journey is sure to be an adventurous one!

1.     1. Healing: We know that the Lord can make this cancer disappear but that He does not have to.  We ask that He would bring Himself glory whether He heals miraculously or calls Colby home to Heaven.

2.     2. Stamina:  The chemotherapy Colby will be taking is supposed to be fairly well-tolerated.  Between radiation and chemotherapy, we are anticipating fatigue and nausea to be the main culprits with other side effects (low white blood cell counts, hair loss, etc…) as possibilities.  Pray that Colby will be able to tolerate these treatments well.  As we seek medical treatment, pray also that we will continue to cling to the Gospel of Christ as our source of hope rather than in the treatments alone.

3.     3. Wisdom:  We are praying about many possible changes in our household, including Emily’s work schedule, childcare options for Jireh while we are at work, and ways to keep our chores to a minimum so that we can maximize quality time as a family.  Our house projects are still in the works as well.  Please pray that we will make wise decisions as so many will need to be made.

4.     4. Peace and emotional stability: This request is one for both of us and our families, as we know that the road ahead will be challenging.  The last week has been increasingly difficult for Emily.  She is begging the Lord to be her Rock and for the truths in Scripture to help restore joy and peace rather than feeling tossed by the waves.   

This email list is intended to include people who have directly or indirectly asked to be on it because they would like to pray for us.  As always, if you are receiving this email but not interested in praying, or would rather not be on this list for any reason, please let us know.  We will not be offended at all and agree that it would be appropriate to remove your email address from it.  Also, if there is anyone who you think would like to pray for us who may not be receiving these updates, please send us an email address and we will gladly add more prayer warriors.

Blessings to you,

Emily, Colby, and Jireh

Friday, August 26, 2011

McLaurin Update #10: ...that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed

Dear Family and Friends,                                                             August 26, 2011

Our last week has been a challenging one, and yet even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil and know that Christ is with us; His rod and staff are comforting us (Psalm 23:4).  We have the luxury of seeing God’s majesty displayed within the incredible grassy hills of the East Bay in California.  It makes the words from Psalm 23:1-3 even more tangible:  “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures.  He leads me beside still waters.  He restores my soul.  He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

Besides needing extra physical and mental rest, along with a little insomnia and irritability from the steroids he is taking to prevent brain edema, Colby has had an amazingly smooth recovery.  He was discharged from the hospital only 2 days after surgery and enjoyed a walk in the San Francisco botanical gardens with his mom, Jireh, and Emily just 5 days after surgery.  That afternoon, we were blessed to transition to the peaceful home of Emily's aunt and uncle in Alamo, CA.  Here, Colby has enjoyed plenty of daily quiet time to rest, read, walk in the cool air, enjoy Jireh, and do pretty much whatever he wants.  It has now been 10 days since surgery, and he feels great.  We are able to take long walks together every day.  He is able to think and speak without difficulty.  Colby feels that he has been able to see Christ more clearly and gloriously in His Word than he ever has in his life.

At the early part of this week, we met and visited with the director of neuro-oncology at UCSF.  She reviewed pre- and post-operative MRI scans, and based on preliminary calculations it looks like the surgeon was able to remove about 85% of the total tumor volume.  That is a good number.  We knew from type and location of the tumor that 100% was never a realistic expectation.  Considering that many neurosurgeons would never have considered tumor resection in this location an option, to have had such an aggressive resection with absolutely no resulting handicap or disability is already far beyond our expectations.  We are thankful.
          The news about the pathology of the tumor was not the best, but our hope is unshaken.  After Colby’s tumor tissue was examined under a microscope, it was classified as a grade III anaplastic astrocytoma, which is a high-grade malignancy.  It is not the worst type of brain tumor, but it is certainly not the best.  What this means for now is that he will need further treatment.  This will include radiation therapy and probably chemotherapy.  There are still some specific genetic and molecular tests being done on the tissue that will determine which specific chemotherapies might work best.  We plan to return home to Oklahoma City, Lord willing, on Sunday September 11thWe will likely start the next steps of treatment in Oklahoma City a few weeks after returning, giving Colby's surgical wounds adequate time to heal.  

           We knew from before surgery that this is not a tumor that is curable by modern medicine or surgery.  Our hope, even from the time of his diagnosis, was never in medical advancements or surgery but in Christ and the healing and joy that comes for all who know Him when we leave this world.  1 Peter 4:12-13 has been an enormous blessing to both of us in this last week:  It says “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.”  Colby is daily moved to tears of joy at the privilege of being allowed to see God's glory revealed so clearly.  We continue to be assured that God has brought this into our lives for our good, because He loves us (Rom 8:28), and He is has been gracious to show us daily how true that is.  

How to Pray?

1) Healing
            -We continue believe, and we do not doubt, that God is able to heal Colby completely.  He may choose to use doctors or medicine, or he may do a miraculous work that cannot be explained outside of himself.  We are praying for this, knowing that it is one way that God can glorify himself.

2) Recovery
            -Colby still has some recovering to do, and we are being very careful.  Pray for truly protected time to rest along with extra measures of peace and quiet, which is what his brain needs to rest (kind of like after a concussion).  Pray that he would sleep better as he tapers off the steroids. The insomnia is already improving, praise the Lord.

3) Wisdom and peace for Emily
          -Being the mother of a two year-old is a full-time job by itself, and Emily wants time to love on and help Colby as he recovers and is unable to help with his half of the parenting.  This has been one of Emily’s most challenging weeks with double the stress and responsibility of normal life.  This means she needs even more prayer!

4) Peace for family
         -The news about the tumor being a high-grade malignancy is new for all of us and is a significant change for our families in what we thought we had understood about Colby’s prognosis.  Please pray for peace and encouragement for all of us during this process of adjustment.

5) Upcoming opportunities to share
          -God has provided abundantly.  Colby will have two opportunities to share his testimony in local churches in this part of California this weekend.  He really feels up to it physically and mentally and feels privileged that God has provided.  These are a result of your prayers! Please pray that God would use our story in mighty ways to glorify Himself, encourage believers, and perhaps call some to faith in Jesus Christ who had not previously believed.

This email list is intended to include people who have directly or indirectly asked to be on it because they would like to pray for us.  As always, if you are receiving this email but not interested in praying, or would rather not be on this list for any reason, please let us know. We will not be offended at all and agree that it would be appropriate to remove your email address from it.  Also, if there is anyone who you think would like to pray for us who may not be receiving these updates, please send us an email address and we will gladly add more prayer warriors.

Constantly amazed at God's grace,

Colby, Emily, and Jireh

Thursday, August 18, 2011

McLaurin Update #9: Our chosen portion and our cup

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                        August 18, 2011

            Blessed be the name of the Lord!  Today we are writing from the apartment we are renting just a few blocks away from UCSF.  Colby seemed to be doing so well that he was able to leave the hospital today, just 2 days after his craniotomy!  Though it is one day earlier than expected, his swelling and pain are both controlled, he is able to eat without problems and walked a few laps of the hospital ward without getting dizzy or weak.  The comforts of the apartment without routine neurological checks, vital signs, and construction across the hall from his hospital room have allowed him to get uninterrupted sleep all afternoon long.  True to the warnings given by the nurses and neurosurgery team, Colby is tired.  (Though when alert he has already been checking up on Husker stats!)  We anticipate that he will need to sleep 12-18 hours per day over the next few weeks to give his brain some rest.  We were also told that the next 1-2 days are usually more difficult with regards to swelling and pain in the temporalis muscle.  So far, however, Colby’s pain seems to be minimal.  
            Colby was able to have his repeat MRI late last night.  It showed no concerning signs in terms of brain edema or bleeding.  However, we will need to wait until our follow up in 2 weeks in order to have a better idea of what percentage of the tumor was resected, to review the final pathology results, and to discuss the next steps in Colby’s treatment plan.  When Colby isn’t sleeping, we will try to get out and walk around to work on his conditioning.  This Saturday we will be moving back to Emily’s aunt and uncles house in Danville, CA, where we will stay for the rest of our time in the Bay Area.
            It will be unusual not to live a fast paced life filled with things to do, places to go, and tasks to complete.  It will also be difficult for Jireh to continue making adjustments as we move from place to place.  In addition, Colby is not allowed to carry her and will not be able to play with her as much with his need for rest and his lifting restrictions. As we take life one day at time, our prayer is that we will understand even more deeply these verses from Psalm 16: 5-9:
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.  The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.  I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me.   I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.    

1.  Colby’s recovery:  Please pray that the time he gets to rest will allow his brain and body to heal.  Pray that the aggressive surgery Colby had will truly make an impact in his overall prognosis.   Please also pray that he is protected against any infection, seizures, or other possible post-operative complications.

2.  Wisdom for Emily:  It is easier to help someone when you know exactly how you can help.  Now that we have “done” so much to get Colby help, pray for wisdom, patience, and grace for Emily in the weeks to come as she balances the role of caretaker, wife, mother, and follower of Christ.

3.  Travel Safety:  Colby’s sister and niece will be traveling back to Houston this weekend.  Colby’s mom will stay with us here in the Bay area until next Tuesday. 

Still in awe of God and the work He is doing in our lives,
Colby, Emily, and Jireh

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

McLaurin Update #8: A day of rest and reflection today

Dear Friends and Family,                                                                        August 17, 2011

            “Did I really just have brain surgery?”  This is one of the first things Colby said last night once anesthesia wore off and he was nearly pain-free already.  He is still doing great today and has now moved out of the ICU into the neurosurgical ward.  All fingers, toes, and limbs move normally.  His speech is smooth, and the majority of his catheters and monitors have been removed.  The only thing that really hurts him is the right temple where his surgeon had to cut through the temporalis muscle.  His rehabilitation over the next few days will consist of lots of rest and “jaw stretching” exercises to keep the cut muscle from scarring down and limiting his ability to chew and make facial expressions.  He does have some swelling both in the brain and around his skin incisions that will need to be watched carefully over the next few days.  We are still waiting for his postop MRI, which may not be completed until late this evening.
            Colby’s neurosurgeon came back and recapped all of the steps of surgery with us again today.  He is confident that he was able to remove the vast majority of the tumor and is very pleased with Colby’s progress after surgery. 
            Thank you all so much for your encouraging emails, texts, and prayers.  We have been reading through them together today and are overwhelmed at how your prayers have carried us through even the night before.  While many of you awoke in the middle of the night burdened to pray for us, we were blessed with a good night’s sleep the night before surgery.  Thanks for starting and ending your day thinking of and praying for us.
            Colby is eager to see friends and family now that he is out of ICU.  He is on the 8th floor (long hall, room 859) on the Parnassus Heights campus of UCSF Medical Center.  Anyone who is in the area is welcome to come by to visit if you would like.  If he continues to progress as quickly in recovery as he has, we expect he may be able to be discharged as early as Friday.
1.  Continued healing: Colby is eager to get up and wants to read and study but also needs to rest for the majority of time in the next couple of days.  The next few days will be tough trying to learn to be a patient rather than a physician.

2.  Patience and peace:  We still do not know the exact tumor type or the plans that God has for Colby in the months and years to come.  We do not want to be anxious as we wait for final pathology results and want to be faithful to God in the day-to-day activities.  We know that what lies ahead will be more of a marathon and are trusting the Lord to prepare our family.

3.  PRAISE!  The surgery was truly a large surgery with plenty of risks.  All glory to God for getting us this far and protecting us in innumerable ways.  All glory to God for the way He has drawn us closer to Him.  All glory to God for the way we see Him working in the lives of our friends, family, and church.   

Colby, Emily, and Jireh

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

McLaurin Update #7: Praise God!

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                        August 16, 2011

            Our day started today with a 5:45 am walk (Colby, Emily, and Colby’s mom Gwen) to UCSF singing “Alleluia…for the Lord God almighty reigns.”  It ended with laughing and giggling on our walk home (Emily, Jireh, Gwen, Colby’s sister Kristi, and her daughter Lauren) singing “Father Abraham had many sons…so let’s all praise the Lord.”  To start and end this day with praise is perfect!

            Colby did great today.  Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and well wishes.  After almost 8 hours on the operating table, he is now resting in the ICU.  Colby’s neurosurgeon felt confident that the surgery went well and seemed to have no surprises at all.  Though we won’t know exactly how much tumor he removed until after Colby’s post-operative MRI, he assures me that he was able to get a large majority of the tumor.  The anesthesia has now worn off, and Colby feels great.  His speech is normal and other than a little bit of pain at the incision site, we are all amazed that he just had brain surgery.  The care given by Colby’s neurosurgeon and the hospital has been exceptional.  Though we are still waiting for the final pathology results (available in 1-2 wks) and a repeat MRI in order to know what the next steps are, his frozen pathology confirms that his tumor is a grade 2 low grade glioma. 

            This has been an incredible day.  I’ll send more updates tomorrow.  For those of you who live in/near San Francisco and have expressed a desire to visit, Colby should be leaving the ICU tomorrow as long as tonight is an uneventful one.  Once he moves out of the ICU, he would love to have visitors.  Thanks to all of you.  To tangibly feel the prayers of the saints is a privilege we never dreamed of experiencing.

            All glory to Christ,
            Emily, Colby, and Jireh

McLaurin Update #6: Clothed with gladness today

Dear Friends and Family,                                                                        August 16, 2011

            Hello from sunny California and foggy San Francisco!  Thank you all so much for your sweet words of encouragement, prayers, and love.  We have transitioned to our apartment in San Francisco, Colby is now under anesthesia, and we are eager to see what the Lord has in store for us today.  We daily declare His “steadfast love in the morning, and [His] faithfulness by night (Psalm 92:2).”

God has been so faithful.  Colby’s family arrived safely into San Francisco without lost baggage.  We braved the traffic in and around the city without accidents.  A second intense flare up of Colby’s arthritis came and went.  A packed day of testing yesterday went smoothly.  Jireh and her 5-year old cousin are enjoying time together despite having their schedules completely disrupted.  And though this big trip is all for the sake of a tumor, peace and confidence in our great God reigns in our hearts.  How could we doubt Him when he has effortlessly carried us this far?

As we met with the neurosurgeon yesterday, he was very encouraging.  Though the tumor is located deep in the brain, he believes that because it is on Colby’s non-dominant side, he should experience little to no physical or mental defects.  There is a small risk of hemiparesis because of the tumor’s proximity to the part of the brain that coordinates movement.  The goal is to try to remove the majority, if not all, of the tumor.  This will help prolong Colby’s life by both preventing malignant transformation and decreasing the rate of recurrence of the tumor.  The principle seems to be the more he can remove, the better.  The surgeon is well rested and plans to spend all day with Colby.  He said he is in no hurry and will work until he feels that he is unable to safely remove any more tumor. Please join us in praying that Colby’s neurosurgeon will be able to remove 100% of the tumor. 

As Colby has “signed his life away” with the risk of surgery including death, we are reminded of David’s plea that echoes ours:

To you, O Lord, I cry, and to the Lord I plead for mercy:
What profit is there in my death, if I go down to the pit?  Will the dust praise you?  Will it tell of your faithfulness?
Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!  O Lord, be my helper!
You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, 
that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.  (Psalm 30:8-12)

Although we know of Colby’s risk of death, he has no fear of death.  He knows that whether he has a poor operative outcome today or lives until he is ninety, the number of his days are known by his Creator.  And though God so effortlessly carries our daily burdens, Jesus, His only perfect son, suffered a painful death as a man and died for Colby’s sake, for my sake, and for your sake.  To know this as the ultimate act of love so that we can enjoy God forever both here on earth and in Heaven makes today so much easier to face. 
Thank you for walking this road with us.  We will keep you posted.

Forever blessed,
The McLaurins

Thursday, August 11, 2011

McLaurin Update #5: Focusing on His ways

Dear Prayer Warriors,                                                                                    Aug 11, 2011

            This afternoon, we are flying from Dallas to San Francisco.  We are praying for valuable, rich, and meaningful times with family in Dallas and the Bay Area before surgery on Tuesday, Aug 16th.  We will also have a relatively full day next Monday filled with a preoperative visit, blood work, and MRI. 

            There aren’t many developments on the medical side of things since our last update.  Colby still feels very well without any symptoms from the tumor.  Praise the Lord!  He has stopped taking all anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc) to allow his platelets to return to normal clotting function before surgery.  Normally he only takes one per day, which has in the past significantly minimized flare-ups from a chronic inflammatory condition in his spine.  Since stopping these medicines, he has struggled with some stiffness and pain in his neck and back. However, even the worst of pains resolved after only a few days.  We have been focusing more recently on getting regular cardiovascular exercise in preparation for the physiologic stress of surgery. The Lord has truly been merciful.

In the last few weeks, we have enjoyed sweet times with friends, both new and old.  Many have prayed for us, offered words of encouragement, and reminded us of the truths by which we are to stand.  Our church small group has committed to shouldering whatever burdens they can help carry.  Colby has also had several opportunities to share his story and the hope that he has in Christ in several church and secular settings.  We are so thankful for those opportunities, as they were just what we were praying for.  We continue to pray that Colby’s story will overflow with praise in the hearts of God’s people.

This week, we have enjoyed time together as a family and also had some family photos taken by a dear friend who lovingly donated her time and expertise.  Jireh is still too young to understand what is going on, but we pray for her every day to grow up trusting the Lord, who will be her unshakeable foundation and comfort forever.  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (James 1:14)

            This verse also speaks to our prayer for all of you and for all who may hear our story.  It is our chief desire that God receive the praise He deserves no matter what the outcome of Colby’s surgery or his disease.  We know that God doesn’t always show us his ways, and they can be difficult for us to understand if our lives don’t go the way we think they should.  Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  But we can know that Jesus doesn’t change, and his love for us doesn’t change.  It was the same before Colby was born, before he had cancer, and will still be the same when Jireh is someday telling her own children or grandchildren her daddy’s story.  His purposes toward his children are always good.  In addition to praying for us, please spend a few moments praying for yourself this week, that you would be prepared to praise God no matter what the outcome will be.  We want you to know and believe with your whole heart that his purposes for us, and for you, are good.

Prayer Requests:

1. Insurance dealings – We believe the majority of it is behind us.  However, there are still a number of expensive preoperative tests that will likely be needed once we arrive in San Francisco, in addition to the potential for rehabilitation services needed postoperatively.  All of these will need to go through the same difficult preauthorization process.

2. Healing – We continue to believe God can heal Colby, whether through physicians or in His own ways.  We ask you to pray for that as well.  However, we are trusting the Lord’s perfect will and asking him first to bring himself the most glory through this trial.

3. Wisdom with home repairs – Some small projects are underway and will continue while we are away.  These will make life a little easier for Emily and Colby when they get back, in case Colby isn’t able to do projects himself. Unfortunately it will take some coordination while we are traveling.  Please pray that this process would be uncomplicated.

4.  Fruitful time to read, study scripture, and write for both Emily and Colby.  The lessons we are learning in these days are priceless.  We want to meditate on them and record them so we may look back on them someday and give God the praise He deserves.

5.  Praise the Lord for several wonderful opportunities Colby has had to share his testimony!  Please continue to pray that our words would glorify God and continue to bear fruit.

All glory to Christ,
Colby, Emily, and Jireh

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Be faithful unto death

Rev 2:10-11 ESV - Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.  He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.'
We are in our second week at church of a series on the letters to the churches of Asia minor found in Revelation 2 and 3.  In conjunction we are spending time as a church in prayer and fasting every Tuesday both individually and corporately.

The verse above had come up in my personal study recently, and has only caused me to meditate on it more after it was the topic of this past weeks sermon.

Update #4: effective prayer

Dear Prayer Warriors,                                                                                                                            July 24, 2011

We give our praises to God and thank Him for being present in every way.  We have such a tremendous God and are unworthy of His attention to even the smallest details in our lives.  Yet, he loves us that much!  Your constant prayers to the Lord, whether in praise or in supplication on our behalf, are truly being heard.  It is very clear that you are each being used in our lives as we are daily experiencing how “the effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much (James 5:16).” 

We received notice this past week that Colby has been approved by his insurance for the referral, surgery on August 16th, and hospital stay in San Francisco!  Praise the Lord!  We were preparing for an ugly battle with an HMO that was very close to dictating Colby’s care.  However, as the day unfolded on Tuesday, God seemed to be showing off as if to say, “Relax, I’ve got this one too!”  Even as we raised more questions over dinner, we received a phone call from the person we thought we would have to call the next day and got our answers that evening!  We anticipated that this insurance issue was going to take weeks to resolve, perhaps well into August.  There was even a potential that our plans for travel and surgery would have to be rescheduled.  We are so thankful for the quick resolution and are hopeful that there will be no other insurance-related surprises.  We are still preparing ourselves for other curve balls that may arise.  Thank you for partnering with us.  May we all learn together what it is like to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12).”

It seems like every day we receive encouragement from someone just at the right time.  It is encouraging just to know that there are so many walking this path faithfully with us.  We know Christ has drawn us closer to Him through this trial and has increased our joy in Him.  Emily was even reminded by a dear friend not to miss God’s great purpose for her in this trial as well.  “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).  In the mystery of God’s grace, we know that this tumor is for Colby’s sanctification, and it is for Emily’s sanctification.  We pray it may also be for your sanctification (drawing you closer to Christ), or perhaps for your salvation (restoring a right relationship with God).  Some of the most encouraging words we receive are stories of how God is drawing many closer to Him through this and bringing Himself glory by causing hearts to praise him.  These stories bring tears of joy to our eyes and cause our hearts to rejoice even more!  This is exactly what we are praying for!  The promise of Romans 8:1 is Colby’s constant comfort, and we hope it will be yours as well: “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Prayer Requests:
1. Insurance dealings – We believe the majority of it is behind us.  However, there are still a number of expensive preoperative tests that will likely be needed once we arrive in San Francisco, in addition to the potential for rehabilitation services needed postoperatively.  All of these will need to go through the same difficult preauthorization process.

2. Healing – We continue to believe God can heal Colby, whether through physicians or in His own ways.  We ask you to pray for that as well.  However, we are trusting the Lord’s perfect will and asking him first to bring himself the most glory through this trial.

3. Wisdom with home repairs – There are a number of things we would like to do to our house to make it more livable for the long-term.  We have a few estimates and, as always, they are more expensive than we anticipated.  Pray for wisdom about which projects to start now and which ones to delay for a later time.

4.  Fruitful time to read, study scripture, and write for both Emily and Colby.  The lessons we are learning in these days are priceless.  We want to meditate on them and record them so we may look back on them someday and give God the praise He deserves.

5. We are still looking for ways that Colby may be faithful to this calling and not waste his tumor.  We have had some very creative suggestions that we are very excited about.  A few of these opportunities are on the horizon.  Pray for preparedness for the unique needs represented at each of these events and for the Lord to speak clearly.  Colby remains open to sharing his testimony and the gospel at any event or in any format.  We want to be faithful and useful to the Lord TODAY, for “you do not know what tomorrow will bring…” (James 4:14).

All glory to Christ,
Colby, Emily, and Jireh

Monday, July 18, 2011

Update #3: Blessed beyond measure...

Dear Friends and Family,                                                                                    July 16, 2011

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers.  The last week has been filled with even more opportunities for us to trust the Lord.  As we reflect back onto this week, we can say with certainty that there is never a dull moment when we are leaning on God to be bigger than we have ever experienced Him to be in the past.  Our only regret is that we haven’t demanded to know God this intimately before.  It is an amazing gift to have our eyes opened more and more every day to His extraordinary grace and love.

The latest McLaurin adventures this past week included losing air conditioning twice with temperatures over 100 along with having Colby’s insurance approval for surgery granted and then denied…and now partially granted.  His initial consultation to the neurosurgeon has been approved but coverage for surgery has not yet been granted.  Jireh also picked up a little GI bug, which has made for a few restless nights. 

Having a sauna for a home is not pleasant when it is over a hundred degrees outside.  Being told medical care will be provided and then having it denied is not pleasant.  Yet, having air conditioning restored within twelve hours of breaking twice in a week is a blessing.  Having Colby’s insurance re-evaluate his case and give approval within 24 hours is a blessing.  Thank you for your prayers.  We are reminded of Matt 7:11—“ If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”

Many people have remarked that it will be good for our lives to get back to “normal.”  Though the words are spoken out of kindness, we are not so sure “getting back to normal” would be a good thing.  Really, how could our lives ever be the same again?  Why would we want that?  We don’t mean what we were doing before was necessarily bad or a waste of time.  However, the Lord has given us a rare gift – a refreshing perspective on how brief this life is and how important it is to live every moment with purpose!  “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14).  It is amazing how many of the things we prioritized in the past seem so trivial now!  God is giving us bigger dreams and we hope to be used by Him in mightier ways every day.

Prayer Requests:

1. Insurance dealings – Surgery billing codes are being submitted by the surgeon’s office in San Francisco to Colby’s insurance for approval.  Please pray for speedy approval.  Our families have already purchased airfare and rented an apartment in San Francisco based on the proposed surgery date (Aug 16th), and we stand to lose a lot of money (and sleep) if insurance problems delay surgery!

2. Healing – We continue to believe God can heal Colby, whether through physicians or in His own ways.  We ask you to pray for that as well.  However, we are trusting the Lord’s perfect will and asking him first to bring himself the most glory through this trial.

3. Wisdom with home repairs – There are a number of things we would like to do to our house to make it more livable for the long-term, including updating the A/C unit so it doesn’t continue to break on a weekly basis.  Colby feels some pressure to get these plans rolling before we leave for CA so Emily doesn’t have to deal with them (potentially by herself) when we get back.  Pray for favor in the eyes of contractors and the historic preservation board, and for wisdom about what projects to start and what to wait on.

4.  Multiplication of time to read, study scripture, and write for both Emily and Colby.  The lessons we are learning in these days are priceless and we want to meditate on them and record them so we may look back on them someday and give God the praise He deserves.

5. We are still looking for ways that Colby may be faithful to this calling and not waste his tumor.  He is open to sharing his testimony and the gospel at any event or in any format.  We are thankful for those who are working alongside us in this.  We want to be faithful and useful to the Lord TODAY, for “you do not know what tomorrow will bring…” (James 4:14).

Thankful for each one of you,
Colby, Emily, and Jireh