Wednesday, September 21, 2011

McLaurin Update #11…to live is Christ, and to die is gain

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                                       September 21, 2011

            Hello from Oklahoma City!  It is good to be back at home.  We feel long overdue in reporting back to you.  We returned home on the afternoon of September 11, enjoyed a fantastic evening of praise and worship with our church family that evening, and then we dove right back into life at home.  Jireh woke up Monday morning (9/12/11) pining for more sleep and more time in her crib (jetlag) but also loved seeing her friends back at daycare and church.  Colby had a full week with doctors appointments while balancing time to rest, read, and exercise.  Emily started back into an intense week of work starting with being on call on her first day back.  Our neighbors have been an incredible blessing during this time of transition.  They have helped provide dinner every day since we’ve come home and spruced up our backyard and deck to become a wonderful place to relax and play.

            At this point, Colby feels like the recovery phase from his surgery is just about over.  He feels and looks great.  Because of this, and because he has more time now than he has had in the last 9 years, he is able to go to the local YMCA almost every day to get in a moderate cardiovascular workout.

            After many visits with Colby’s physicians here, it looks like we will be ready to start the next phase in treatment on Monday.  This will involve radiation therapy 5 days a week for 6 weeks and chemotherapy every day for those 6 weeks.  That will be followed by 6 “cycles” of chemotherapy for at least 6 months following radiation. Fortunately, the chemotherapy is in pill form and the radiation will be delivered just across the street from where Colby works.  Though we will not know how he will tolerate the treatments until they begin, he expects to start back to work next week or the week after, with minimal inconvenience from treatment.

            By now many of you may have Googled Colby’s diagnosis.  To be honest, the statistics for survival over time are not good.  We are blessed to be followed by an oncologist and dear friend here in Oklahoma City who reminded us “statistics don’t apply to God.”  That is so true, isn’t it?

            What is more encouraging is that we know the Lord has a good plan for our lives, no matter how long or short the time that remains.  He knows when will be the end of Colby’s life, and only He has the authority to call Colby home to heaven (Psalms 139:13-16).  Cancer does not have the authority to take Colby’s life without God’s permission, just as Satan could not take Job’s life without God’s permission.  If God chooses to keep Colby here, it is for good; and if He take’s Colby home, it is for good.  The apostle Paul agrees:
“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.  I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.”            (Philippians 1:21-23 ESV)
           Thank you for laboring in prayer on behalf of our family.  It is a privilege and blessing to be upheld by your prayers, knowing that God is refining and growing us all.  We can’t thank you enough.  This journey is sure to be an adventurous one!

1.     1. Healing: We know that the Lord can make this cancer disappear but that He does not have to.  We ask that He would bring Himself glory whether He heals miraculously or calls Colby home to Heaven.

2.     2. Stamina:  The chemotherapy Colby will be taking is supposed to be fairly well-tolerated.  Between radiation and chemotherapy, we are anticipating fatigue and nausea to be the main culprits with other side effects (low white blood cell counts, hair loss, etc…) as possibilities.  Pray that Colby will be able to tolerate these treatments well.  As we seek medical treatment, pray also that we will continue to cling to the Gospel of Christ as our source of hope rather than in the treatments alone.

3.     3. Wisdom:  We are praying about many possible changes in our household, including Emily’s work schedule, childcare options for Jireh while we are at work, and ways to keep our chores to a minimum so that we can maximize quality time as a family.  Our house projects are still in the works as well.  Please pray that we will make wise decisions as so many will need to be made.

4.     4. Peace and emotional stability: This request is one for both of us and our families, as we know that the road ahead will be challenging.  The last week has been increasingly difficult for Emily.  She is begging the Lord to be her Rock and for the truths in Scripture to help restore joy and peace rather than feeling tossed by the waves.   

This email list is intended to include people who have directly or indirectly asked to be on it because they would like to pray for us.  As always, if you are receiving this email but not interested in praying, or would rather not be on this list for any reason, please let us know.  We will not be offended at all and agree that it would be appropriate to remove your email address from it.  Also, if there is anyone who you think would like to pray for us who may not be receiving these updates, please send us an email address and we will gladly add more prayer warriors.

Blessings to you,

Emily, Colby, and Jireh